Posted tagged ‘brooklyn urgent care’

How to Treat a Sprain

June 2, 2014
Photo credit Luis Solis

Photo credit Luis Solis

Sprains happen to the best of us!  Throughout each day, ER-DOX will see a host of injuries related to sprains caused from everything to playing sports, working out, to something as simple as taking a walk or stepping the wrong way off of a curb.  They can affect any ligament in the body, but most often occur in joints.

It is important to remember that for almost every sprain, except the most minor, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.  Only a doctor can ensure that there is not broken, fractured, or chipped bone associated with the injury.  In addition, after ruling out any bone issues, a doctor can determine if the sprain is severe enough to require additional treatment such as physical therapy and/or surgery.

When faced with a sprain, here are some tips for care until you are able to get to your local ER-DOX office:


  1. Rest the area – Until you are seen by a doctor, treat the affected area with care.  Do your best to rest the area.  Avoid walking on sprained ankles or knees, or moving sprained elbows or wrists.
  2. Ice the affected area – While waiting for a ride to the doctor, apply ice to the area for 15 – 20 minutes every hour.  Be sure to use a towel or other thin cloth as a protective barrier between your skin and the ice.
  3. Compress the area – To combat swelling, lightly wrap the area in a specialized brace or ace bandage.  These may not always be readily available, so it’s important to get to your nearest ER-DOX who can properly wrap the area after x-rays are performed to determine the extent of your injury.
  4. Elevate the area – If possible, try to keep the affected area elevated above your heart, which can also help to decrease swelling.

Remember, only a doctor can determine the exact injury you are facing and the correct course of treatment.  ER-DOX is committed to providing quality, convenient care so that common injuries, such as sprains or strains, can be treated effectively without the inconvenience of an emergency room wait.

The information provided on our blog is not meant to replace the care or guidance of your medical provider.  If you have specific questions please call or see your professional health care provider.